Always wear high heel shoe, consequently leads to plantar fascia always under abnormal tensions. 经常穿著过高后跟的鞋,导致足底筋膜长期受拉扯。
You have your foot arch formed with the help of plantar fascia. 您的脚拱形成与帮助足底筋膜。
Allogenic tendon transplantation for reconstruction of plantar fascia in 32 cases 同种异体肌腱移植重建跖腱膜32例
One can put an athletic tape on the plantar fascia. 一可以把一个运动的磁带就足底筋膜。
The plantar fascia is a band of connective tissue in the foot, similar in texture to a ligament. 足底筋膜是脚上的一系列结缔组织,类似于纹理状的韧带。
So there's a strong connection between a limber Achilles and a healthy plantar fascia. 所以,富有弹性的跟腱和健康的足底筋膜之间存在着密切的联系。
Reconstruction of the Foot Arch by Means of Re-enforcing the Plantar Fascia 加强跖腱膜的足弓重建术
The total width of plantar fascia was only cut 2/ 3 in PF. 对于跖筋膜炎,只切开跖筋膜内侧的2/3。
Transposition of the Plantar Fascia for Correction of Clubfoot ( A Description of a Newly Devised Operation and Report of 29 Cases) 跖腱膜移位术在矫治足部畸形中的临床应用(介绍一种新术式及29例报告)
Anatomic Observation of plantar Fascia and Its Clinical Values 跖腱膜的解剖观察及临床意义